Sunday, July 15, 2007

Top priorities for muslims in today's Dynamic world

Muslims should start categorizing their priorities and start paying attention to them immediately.
Firstly they should get out of their siege mentality and start peaceful and meaningful Co-operation , dialogues and interactions with leaders and members of other religions.

Secondly our leadership needs to be pressurised to recognise Israel as an important member of the world community and meaningful negotiations need to be immediately started with it to end the bloody middle east mess which is hurting parties on both sides.

Thirdly to immediately start publicly isolating and disowning the fanatical elements within before further damage to the community is done.

Fourthly to start concentrating on the economic ,scientific and educational aspects in which the community lags behind very badly.

Lastly but not the least the individual members of the community need to be more assertive in community matters like youth guidance,condemnation of senseless violence etc especially since the present day leaders within the islamic community have failed in their duty to provide a effective leadership and direction especially in matters of public interest.

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