Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Damage and destruction due to fanatic terror acts

The destructive planned acts of terror caused by religious fanatics ,the latest being the foiled London car bombs and the drama at Glasgow airport is a wake up call to all peaceful and law abiding muslims all over the globe to become more proactive in nipping these acts in the bud .It needs to be condemned in the strongest possible terms by every law abiding citizen and especially by fellow muslims.
Muslims all over the world need to wake up to the reality that islamic terrorism though practised by a miniscule minority does exist and is a bitter reality .Its a ghost which needs to be exorcised at the earliest before it causes irreversible damage to the majority of peaceful tolerant muslims who seek to live in peaceful co-existence with other religions.

Our Muslim leadership has totally failed us by not adequately condemning and excommunicating these fanatic blood thirsty monsters who are besmirching the very name of Islam by their shameful deeds.

The Western World including the USA has done more to protect the muslims in the 21st century than anyone of the so called islamic and arab nations who are busy fighting with each other.Witness the end to fighting in Bosnia,Kosovo solely due to American intervention.

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